Do Guys Find Girls With Deep Voices Attractive?
Since time immemorial women have been looking for a strong man to act as their protector, provider, and comforter. The deep, bass voice is a symbol of such a big man.
But, do guys find girls with deep voices attractive? That largely depends on their personal preferences and tastes.
The Bass Tone
For as long as humans have been walking on two legs women have been programmed to look for strong, confident men to protect them from harm and provide for their needs. On a subconscious level this is why we find men who have deep voices attractive. There’s something about a booming bass that automatically demands attention and says I got this. It’s like the voice of Barry White crooning “Can’t Get Enough of Your Love, Babe” that gives a man a certain aura of power and sexual appeal.
But the truth is that a man’s vocal pitch can also be an indicator of his physical health and well-being. A male’s voice can reveal how robust his immune system is, whether he has a high sperm count, and even how fit and muscular he is. Scientists are currently investigating if voice pitch has evolved as a reliable signal for these biological traits, and whether it may play an important role in human selection of mates over the millennia.
In fact, one study found that when a woman’s oestrogen levels are at their peak during ovulation, she prefers men with virile characteristics including a deep voice. This phenomenon has been replicated in other studies, and has even been found to apply to cisgender, heterosexual males of all ages, from those undergoing testosterone replacement therapy to gay men.
And if that’s not enough, a low, deep voice can also make a man seem more authoritative in the workplace. In a study by Southwest University, researchers asked participants to read out a series of words, and then rate how masculine the speaker sounded based on their tone and frequency. The results revealed that women rated males with deep voices as more authoritative, and less feminine, than those with higher-pitched tones.
Interestingly, the same research also showed that women who judged men with deeper voices as less trustworthy were more likely to consider them for short-term rather than long-term mates. This suggests that while we might be drawn to the big, brawny guy with a pugnacious streak, we don’t really trust him when it comes to playing daddy.
The Adrenaline Rush
The reason that people think deep voices are sexier than high-pitched ones is actually quite simple. As we age and go through puberty our voice pitches start to change and develop. The higher your voice is the more testosterone you have, which in turn causes it to change and lower. In fact, if you look at the vocal styles of many of the most sexy women out there like Elizabeth Hurley, Scarlett Johansson, Penelope Cruz and Angelina Jolie they all have deep, breathy voices.
These types of voices have a certain resonance to them that is pleasing and attractive to men. The reason behind this is that our brains are programmed to respond to things that sound exciting or scary in order to trigger the adrenaline rush that we know so well. The adrenaline rush is a natural reaction to an actual or perceived threat that triggers the fight or flight response which diverts blood away from the non-essential parts of the body and into the necessary ones to help us fight or run away. This causes our heart rate to increase, our breathing to quicken and our pupils to dilate to let in more oxygen, all of which makes for an amazing feeling that is pretty much addictive.
While it’s important to note that not all adrenaline rushes are good, especially when you get hurt, the fact of the matter is that we do tend to seek out activities or situations that will cause a surge in our bodies. This could be anything from a scary experience to a stressful situation or even extreme sports like bungee jumping. In fact, a lot of times when we hear that someone is in a good relationship or has a successful job it’s because their voice sounds confident and powerful which are also things that make us feel adrenaline-rushy.
Another interesting thing that we’ve discovered about the way in which voice pitch influences desirability is that it can also signal whether or not someone is cheating on their partner. One study found that people with deeper voices sounded less trustworthy in terms of their commitment to their partners and were more likely to be unfaithful. This may be because women can pick up on the low voice tone and resonance of a man as he talks to his partner, as opposed to those with a higher, more feminine voice.
The Masculine Vibe
For many men, a deep voice is associated with dominance, strength, and sexual allure. Just think of Barry White crooning in his thick honey voice, “Can’t Get Enough of Your Love, Babe.” Then there are the women who are adored for their feminine allure, like Elizabeth Hurley, Sharon Stone, Penelope Cruz, Angelina Jolie, and Scarlett Johansson—and their deep, rich voices.
The deep tones of these women’s voices reverberate with masculine energy. This is because, just as in the animal kingdom, females are attracted to males with deep voices—it signals that they have large bodies, and in turn, this can lead to greater success in competition with other males. In fact, research shows that the deeper a man’s voice, the more dominant he is perceived to be.
In one study, women judged a man’s voice pitch as a predictor of his height, muscularity, and testosterone level. They also rated his leadership skills and confidence as being strongly related to the pitch of his voice. This was the case even when the woman had no previous knowledge of the speaker.
Another study found that women rate males with low voice pitches as being more trustworthy than those with higher voices, but this preference is reversed in romantic contexts. Women who rated men with lower voice pitches as being more likely to cheat on their partners preferred them for short-term relationships.
Moreover, the perception of a man’s voice as being low in pitch has been linked to his tendency to be more assertive and physically aggressive. In contrast, high voice pitches are more likely to be associated with softness and empathy.
A male’s ability to display these masculine characteristics—being confident and assertive, while still being able to empathize with others—is one of the reasons why women find him attractive. Men who have a voice that is considered masculine are usually seen as being sexy, confident, and capable—characteristics that can be associated with physical power, strength, and sexual allure. Having a deeper voice is one of the ways that a guy can project these traits, but it’s also important to be able to read the room and know when to tone things down.
The Huskiness
As the name suggests, a husky voice is deep and somewhat rough in a good way. It gives off a masculine vibe that girls like and it also sounds more manly than a high-pitched voice. This voice quality is also associated with a big body size, so it’s no wonder that girls love it.
In fact, studies have shown that women are naturally attracted to men who have deep voices. This may be because it signifies that they are strong, powerful, and able to protect them. It is also a sign that they are dominant, and this is another trait that women find attractive in men.
The reason why women prefer men with deep voices is unclear, but it could be because it is biologically programmed into them. After all, since the beginning of time, women have been seeking out strong yet gentle men who can be their protectors and providers. This is why many men who have deep voices are seen as “men’s men.”
It is important to note that this is not a hard and fast rule, as there are plenty of guys who are attracted to women with soft voices. It all comes down to individual preferences and tastes. Similarly, some girls find deep voices attractive to them while others don’t.
Aside from indicating gender, sexual attraction, and a sense of power, the tone of one’s voice can also reveal other things about a person, including their health and well-being. For instance, it has been found that people with deeper voices have fewer genetic disorders and higher testosterone levels. They also have lower stress hormones and are more likely to survive in the face of adversity.
In addition, a person’s voice can also convey their level of confidence and how they are able to handle life’s challenges. Having a husky voice can show that you are confident and capable, which is a trait that most guys will find attractive. So, if you are someone who has a husky voice, don’t be ashamed to let it shine! It is a great way to stand out from the crowd and impress everyone around you.